Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Second Life Branding BONUS

Fellow Blogger blog viralavatar happened to be blogging about the singer Irene Grandi. Two weeks later, the keyword "singer irene" becomes the top trend in keywords, according to Google's newest service "Google Trends."

As a result, the viralavatar blog finds itself as the top blog post on the hot trend keyword.

There are two morals to this post:

1) Irene Grandi is using the popular alternate reality "Second Life" as the setting for her latest video. NICE! It's a great gimmick to get people to watch the video. Singer Irene Grandi wins by attracting Second Life users to her video and Second Life wins because video viewers may get interested in joining Second Life. (I love win/win situations like this!)

2) Blog about what interests you. You may find your post being ranked number one by the new Google Trends tool.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Having trouble finding content for your blog?

Over the past four months, Acumen Web Services has launched over 30 blogs. As a result, I get a LOT of questions on how to come up with content for those blogs.

My answer to those questions differs depending upon the blog owner. The consultant who launches a blog to promote his/her business has different content needs than the person who hopes to achieve Google Adsense income.

In case of the blogger in search of Google Adsense income, the number of visitors to the blog is the name of the game. It's not a matter of quality, it's quantity both in the number of visitors and the number of posts. It's been my personal observation (in my own sites) that quality content actually HURTS your click through rates. Perhaps it's merely a matter of visitors who find the answer on your blog or web site are less likely to click upon a Google adsense ad.

On the other hand, if you're a consultant who's using your blog as a tool to build your business, then quality, both of your content AND of your visitors is of primary concern. You're not interested in a "turn em and burn em" type of blog. You want to create ENGAGING content, one that sells the solutions you're offering.

For bloggers in the second category, who have a product or service to sell, I highly recommend using your email "sent" file as inspiration. Look at what you've been talking about with your CURRENT clients. (My sent file is showing content issues these days...)

I've gone so far as to post and edit those outbox items.
